Under The Sky

Gerald Starlight

About this work:

Under The Sky is the title piece for the album of the same name, it was composed and performed by Gerald Starlight, recorded at Harvestworks in Soho, New York. Mark Maxwell Abushady media reviewer for Creations Magazine wrote about the album Under The Sky, "a fine album by an accomplished musician", to read the full review go to creationsmagazine.com then click on archives link then scroll down to 6/2009.

Version: From the CD/album Under The Sky - Gerald Starlight, shakuhachi
Year composed: 2009
Duration: 00:02:39
Ensemble type: Solo instrument, non-keyboard
Instrumentation notes: D shakuhachi, three alto recorders and synthesizer. This work is the title piece for the CD/album Under The Sky, the music represents the view from the sky over all of creation.
Purchase materials: geraldstarlight@gmail.com

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